Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Manchester Animation festival : Day 2

Today involves even more animation shorts , among it , "Wild fire" and "Once upon a line" are the 2 stand outs.

Wild fire 

Once upon a line 

Wild fire is a beautifully animated 2D feature, with very fluid and realistic movements of character, and also of the flames, almost remind me of Ghibli's style. Moreover , its use of lighting and colour palette really help to portray the raging fire and set the tone for the animation. However , plot-wise , it is a little bit obscured, with an ending that when I first saw it , I wasn't able to comprehend , and felt kind of , disconnected.

Once upon a time is also 2D animated , however , in contrast to Wildfire, it is heavily stylised , with it's use of only monochrome palettes and and silhouetted body parts. By doing it that way , Once upon a line highlighted the fact we don't necessary have to show a full image to convey its meaning . A bonus fact would be the topic of the plot , which I must say I can somewhat relate very much.

After that came a brief insight on the image women in animation , with Camilla Deakin, Ruth Fielding, Lindsay Watson and Terry Wragg. It started out with miss Wragg recalling the earlier periods of her career , during the 70s when the image of women was still objectified and gender stereotypes and sexism was still heavily present. Then it ended with the contemporary view through Lupus Films latest animated feature : " Hethel and Earnest" , where the image of Ethel , is that of a strong , dedicated and smart individual who have her own personal political ideas and is ready to defend them, all the while still works hard to take care of her family. It really highlighted how society (and in turn the animation industry )has really progressed through the decades , with women ever playing bigger roles and working hard for equality .

However , the definitive highlight of the day , is definitely Blurzoo studio and their virtual reality experience "Hoodoo". This is the first time ever I've tried the Vive and I have to say it blew my mind away. Although its not as interactive as I'd imagined it to be , this opens up a whole new branch that animation can touch one, and with the popularity that VR has already accumulated now , It probably won't take long. I imagined an animated film/feature in the style of "Hardcore Henry" ( POV) , with the Vive headset for full immersion , which right now , is already present in video games. However , as highlighted by the developers of Hoodoo from Bluezoo, this development still has to count VR being made more widely available ( lower price ) and have a decent amount of convincing content and developers who are dedicated , to be able to be successful. 

The other tips that I picked up from Bluezoo, its also the importance of setting your own deadlines , so that you can push yourself to complete the work . If not, passion projects with no time limit can be easily bypassed and overshadowed by bigger more important work , to the point that there's the possibility that it might never never completed , which was almost the case for Hoodoo. I myself can relate very much on this topic as my online commissions works constantly are pushed by class works and I have to set a goal for myself to complete 1 order at least each week , just to keep a steady stream of art out ,and in turn , income in. 

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