Monday, December 17, 2018

Study task III - Professional contact : Atomhawk

I received an email from Darren from Atomhawk, who have made first contact with at the end of last year, proposing an project for me this coming January. Unfortunately, this is all the info I have for now, as they are in the process of discussing the brief with the client, but Im very much excited about it, as basing it of the work Atomhawk has done before, no doubt the client will be a recognisable name. !

Update on this : Unfortunately , due to my schedule having been filled, up , I had to cancel this collaboration with Atomhawk. Although, not all is gloom as Darren was very understanding and the window between me and the studio for future opportunities is still wide open, which I'm certainly going to take advantage of by the time I leave. 

Study Task III : professional contact - Yostar

Over October, I received a fantastic opportunity to develop some work for Yostar Games, ( gaming company based in HongKong) for their popular i.p Azur Lane. The first proposal was just for a single piece of illustration that would be used for their new Discord server. However, as I got it halfway done, the art director informed me that he liked it so much they were making it the next login screen for the game, which was a very gratifying experience ! Other than that, the work process was very streamlined and efficient and it took less than a week to finish the order. I was extremely happy with this piece and judging from the reactions from the fans online, I'm happy to think that they all enjoy it too! Yostar on their part has been fantastic and professional, and thanks to this project, I've already receive another order from them which I will post more on that after I finish it !.