Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Study task III - professional meeting : Leeds Illo

My first meet up with Leeds Illo this evening turned out to be really engaging and fun, proof being I sat for 3 hours without even noticing it ! There, I got to meet some awesome local artists, in particular, Fon Fon , who is a Leeds Arts' alumni, currently working as a card desgner for UK greetings and Peter Bradley, a freelance illustrator. It was really interesting to see their work in person, and hearing about their path within the industry. Fon Fon for example, wanted to do a lot more illustration for children's book , but as her bread and butter now is card design, she directed that desire towards the little illustrations she does of her kid ( which in my opinion looks absolutely adorable and has a lot of potential to be adapted into an animated character). Thats is not to say that her car design is not as good, in fact it looked fantastic as well. It made me chuckle though when she started ranting about the indecisive people she had to work with 
Peter's journey on the hand is something that I really want to move toward. He had stayed in 3 different countries, worked with big names, such as with the original creator of DnD , as well as, with Riot on League of Legends. Hearing the opportunities he had, as well as his passion in game illustration, as well as in Asian culture was really inspiring and delightful ( as both are interests of mine). On top of that he had some helpful info on living in California, as well some introduction to portfolio site such as
Hopefully , the next meeting will be as every bit as good as this one was ! 

Fon in the middle 

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