Here's the final version of the run cycle I did earlier ! Gotta say , it was such a pain in the back to colour it all, since rather than colour everything in each frame, I colour each components in each frame separately hence It was a very repetitive process of going over and over the frames again. In hindsight thats probably me making it harder for myself, but the result came out just the way I like it ! As a plus side, I managed to familiarize myself with CSP and how timing, thanks to its easier editorial ability compared to CS6 , however , I'd like to get in Animate CC , if it wasn't block by that massive pay wall.
Reaction to the first sketch for the animation really helps to, when people complimented me on the smoothness of the overall animation and the expression of the character. Complaints were mostly about how the scythe was sliding up and down in her hand and seems to be too steady compared to her body, therefore I made the scythe bob a bit more. Other criticisms was about how the scythe is suppose to be at a slight angle to the screen, as opposed to be completely flat like this , but this was due to me focusing more on the figure and deciding to make it easier for myself, however , I'd like to fix it in the future. What I'm really pleased though is the colouring of the back ground and lighting , which really benefits from my knowledge in using paint tool sai and digital painting overall ( came out to a standard that I can confidently say is TV-ready ) . In short, really proud with this one !
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