Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kirkgate expedition

As a response the Brief 2 of Visual language : Environmental stories ,we had to choose 2 environments to study from , one interior and one exterior . For the former , I've decided to choose Kirkgate market. The market itself has a very impressive exterior , almost grand in some aspect ,such as the architecture of the rooftops and dome structures that would be fitting on a palace or museum. But for me, the interior is what draws me in the most

fanciest market ever !

Having the reputation of being Europe's largest indoor market , you kind of expected the sheer scale of the market's interior. Intricate and wonderful designs spread out along the walls near the roof and on the support beams. The style of architecture is very much Victorian-like ,having that blend between elegances and classics from the designs on the wall with the industrial tone of the metal columns and guardrails, which reminded me a lot of York train station.


However , what interested me the most, and probably the reason why I chose the market was the fact that, even though it is indoor, you feel like your walking in a regular outside market. Many little thing contribute to this, such as the stalls being these different large structures, the walk ways being very similar to regulars streets outside (which combined with the stalls makes you feeling you're walking through a small shopping corner of city block) the large skylight that lets in alot of sunlight, ....It truly gives of the feeling of a vibrant , diverse and alive "market" , and not like the cold , clean and organised ways of supermarkets and department stores. So, to sum it up, its like a bridge between interior and exterior , and that is very interesting indeed !

As for the drawing itself , I'm planning to do some rough and quick sketches with pencils  at the market itself and then inking them at home. It is a market so I expect LOTS of people , but right now I'm more focused on the structures and layout so , probably I'll add people later if the situation calls for it 


* quick note : the pain and aches of standing for 5 hours in the market were quickly relieved thanks the presence of delicious Vietnamese sandwiches courtesy of Banh&Mee at the food area . Also , AMAZING prices for products at the market. Beautiful and practical , the true essence of Kirkgate.

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